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Densities of Ar metastable states 1s5 and 1s3 are measured by using the tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) in Ar and Ar/O2 mixture dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma (DF-CCP). We investigate the effects of high-frequency (HF, 60 MHz) power, low-frequency (LF, 2 MHz) power, and working pressure on the density of Ar metastable states for three different gas components (0%, 5%, and 10% oxygen mixed in argon). The dependence of Ar metastable state density on the oxygen content is also studied at different working pressures. It is found that densities of Ar metastable states in discharges with different gas components exhibit different behaviors as HF power increases. With the increase of HF power, the metastable density increases rapidly at the initial stage, and then tends to be saturated at a higher HF power. With a small fraction (5% or 10%) of oxygen added in argon plasma, a similar change of the Ar metastable density with HF power can be observed, but the metastable density is saturated at a higher HF power than in the pure argon discharge. In the DF-CCP, the metastable density is found to be higher than in a single frequency discharge, and has weak dependence on LF power. As working pressure increases, the metastable state density first increases and then decreases, and the pressure value, at which the density maximum occurs, decreases with oxygen content increasing. Besides, adding a small fraction of oxygen into argon plasma will significantly dwindle the metastable state density as a result of quenching loss by oxygen molecules.
Radio-frequency (RF) capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) has been widely studied by many researchers for its extensive applications in semiconductor manufacturing, flat panel displays, and solar cell industries.[1,2] Argon plays an important role in the industrial process when mixed with other reactive gases, and one important reason is that the existence of argon metastable atoms can lead to the dissociation of other gas molecules increasing, thus significantly affecting the plasma properties.[3,4] Argon 1s5 and 1s3 states are the two main metastable states in argon-containing plasmas, and they have many favorable physicochemical properties. For example, the energy level of the argon metastable atom is above 10 eV with respect to the ground-state atom, and its lifetime is relatively long, which may reach one second.[5] On account of the forbidden spontaneous transition to lower levels, the metastable atom generally has a relatively high density. Moreover, it has a higher collision cross section with electrons, which exceeds that of the ground-state atom by three or four orders of magnitude. Apparently, these properties of argon metastable atoms will definitely affect the discharge process.[6,7] Thus the study of the dependence of the argon metastable atom density on various external parameters and the underlying physics behind it are of great importance.
In recent years, some progress has been made in theoretical and experimental studies about the production and loss process of argon metastable atoms in CCP.[3,4,8–12] In 1994, Sansonnens et al.[3] investigated the important role of argon metastable atoms in argon-diluted silane plasma by combining absorption spectroscopy (AS) and time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The results showed that the density of metastable atom is substantially reduced with the addition of a small fraction of silane due to molecular quenching, which also greatly increases the silane dissociation rate. McMillin et al.[8,9] used planar laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) to measure the two-dimensional distributions of argon metastable density in different gas mixtures. They found that adding some Cl2 or CF4 could significantly reduce the metastable density, and cause the metastable spatial profiles to change. This was confirmed by the later simulation results obtained by Rauf et al.[10] through using a hybrid plasma equipment model. With a self-consistent fluid model, Zhang et al.[4] investigated the effect of the argon metastable atoms on plasma properties in pure argon discharge. The plasma density in the case without metastable atoms was observed to be much higher than that with metastable atoms, especially at a higher voltage, a higher pressure, and/or a higher frequency. In 2010, Ohba et al.[11] measured the spatial distribution of argon metastable density in dual-frequency (DF) CCP by using a pair of optical emission lines. Also in DF-CCP, the tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) was used by Liu et al.[12] to investigate the dependence of argon metastable state density on rf power, pressure, and CF4 content, and they found that the argon metastable state is mainly generated via the electron-impact excitation with the ground state and lost through diffusion and collision quenching processes with electrons and neutral molecules.
In addition, there are many investigations about argon metastable states in other types of plasma sources, such as inductively coupled plasmas,[13–16] surface-wave plasmas,[17,18] hollow cathode discharges,[19] and micro-discharge plasmas.[20,21] Generally speaking, almost all of the methods of measuring the metastable atom density are based on spectroscopy diagnostics, of which the AS is the most suitable way to obtain their absolute densities due to the non-radiative nature of the metastable state. However, AS was more used in other types of plasmas[13–15,17–21] than in CCP.[3,12]
Oxygen-containing plasma plays an important role in the ashing of the photoresist mask, removing polymer films, oxidation or deposition of thin film oxides and other processes.[1,2] Recently, many researches have focused on the Ar/O2 mixture discharge because of their specific features both experimentally and theoretically.[7,22–28] For example, Takechi and Lieberman[23] found that argon addition into oxygen inductive discharges can greatly improve the plasma density and the etch rate due to the increased dissociation of O2 by metastable argon atoms. In a capacitively coupled discharge, Worsley et al.[24] also observed that the O radical density is raised upon argon dilution as a result of an increasing contribution of Penning dissociation, which agreed well with the data simulated by Lee et al.[26] through using a PIC–MCC model. However, there are few researches about the density measurement of the argon metastable state in Ar/O2 mixture capacitive discharges by using AS.
In this paper, densities of argon metastable states (1s5 and 1s3) as a function of high-frequency (HF, 60 MHz) power, low-frequency (LF, 2 MHz) power, and working pressure in DF-CCP with three different gas components (0%, 5%, and 10% oxygen mixed in argon) are measured by the TDLAS. The effects of oxygen content on argon metastable state density are also studied at different pressures. Moreover, electron density is obtained by using a home-made hairpin probe to better understand the main generation and loss processes of the metastable states. The experimental details are briefly described in Section
The measurements were implemented in a 280 mm diameter cylindrical vacuum vessel as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) Schematic of the DF capacitively coupled plasma reactor equipped with the tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) diagnostic system. |
Argon metastable density is obtained by using the TDLAS. A tunable diode laser (LD-0773-0075-DFB-1, Toptica) is used to launch a laser beam, which travels through the mid-gap between the two electrodes after being collimated via some apertures. After passing through the chamber, the laser beam is detected by a photodiode and displayed on a digital oscilloscope (LeCroy Waverunner). A neutral density filter is placed in front of the laser entrance of the chamber, aiming to avoid light saturation in the detection procedure by the photodiode. The shutter can manage the laser beam to enter into or be blocked out of the plasma chamber. It should be noted that the tunable diode laser is tuned by a current controller unit (LDC205, Thorlabs). The current can be controlled by a 10-Hz triangle voltage signal generated by a function generator in order to scan the profile of absorption peaks of argon metastable state over the wavelength range (772.3 nm–772.5 nm). The diode temperature is set to be at 31 °C by the temperature controller unit (TED 200 C, Thorlabs).
After the adjustment of the wavelength range, the following four spectral intensity profiles should be measured to determine the absolute concentration of the metastable atoms:[12,21,30,31]
(i) IP+L when both laser and plasma are on;
(ii) IP when plasma is on, and the laser beam is shut out by the shutter;
(iii) IB when plasma is off and the laser beam is shut out by the shutter;
(iv) IL when plasma is off, and the laser on.
Here, subscripts P, L, and B refer to plasma, laser, and background, respectively. At each of the discharge parameters, the four spectral intensity profiles IP+L, IP, IB, and IL need to be simultaneously measured within a short time to ensure the accuracy. Figure
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Spectral profiles of IP+L, IP, IB, and IL in pure argon discharge driven at 60 MHz, 100 W, and 12 Pa. |
Following steps described above, the laser intensity I0 and its transmission beam intensity It can be written as follows: I0 = IL − IB and It = IL + p − Ip.
Then, argon metastable density can be determined with the law of Beer–Lambert
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In addition, a home-made hairpin probe is utilized to measure the electron density at the discharge center. In order to reduce the rf disturbance, the hairpin probe used in our experiment is fully floating and its detailed description can be found elsewhere.[22] The hairpin probe is based on the microwave resonance theory, which was developed by Piejak et al.[32,33] and Curley.[34] The electron density can be obtained from the following expression
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In this section, the effects of HF and LF powers, working pressure, and oxygen content on densities of argon metastable states (1s5 and 1s3) are studied. The main production and loss processes of metastable states are analyzed in Subsection
As the argon 1s3 state exhibits similar production and loss processes to the 1s5 state, thus only the 1s5 was analyzed here. The 1s5 density is governed by the following one-dimensional continuity equation[3]
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In pure argon discharges, the primary loss processes of the argon metastable state are from electron impact, i.e., the metastable argon atoms might be excited to 2p-levels, resonant and ionized states via these reactions like (i) Arm + e → Ar(2pn) + e, (ii) Arm + e → Arr + e, (iii) Arm + e → Ar+ + e. Other impact loss processes by electrons and ground argon atoms could be ignored due to lower rate coefficients.[3,4] While in the argon–oxygen mixed gas discharge, the main loss channel could be the quenching collision process by O2 molecules: (iv) Arm + O2 → O2 + Ar. So, we can give the following expression of the loss rate by these collision processes:
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![]() | Table 1.
Rate coefficients of the main production and loss processes for the metastable atoms.[1,25,35,36] . |
It can be clearly seen that the electron density ne and oxygen molecule density nO2 have great influences on the metastable state density. The electron temperature Te also has an effect on the density of metastable atoms by affecting rate coefficients. More discussion will be presented based on our experimental results in the following subsections.
In this subsection, densities of argon 1s5 and 1s3 states and electron as a function of HF power PH in single-frequency (SF) and DF capacitive discharges with different gas components (0%, 5%, and 10% oxygen mixed in argon) are investigated. Note that the working pressure is fixed at 13 Pa, and in the DF discharge, LF power PL is fixed at 50 W. The experimental results in SF and DF cases are presented in Figs.
In the SF case, taking 1s5 for example (see Fig.
The increasing electron density with PH increasing is attributed to the enhancement of the electron-impact ionization reaction with argon ground-state atoms. Similarly, the generation of the 1s5 state is dominated by the collision excitation process of high-energy electrons (above 10 eV) with ground-state argon atoms. However, besides the diffusion loss process when compared with electrons, the additional quenching loss process of 1s5 by collisions with lower-energy electrons (only several eV or even lower) plays an important role. As PH increases, the quenching loss of the 1s5 state by electron collision is enhanced due to the rising of the electron and 1s5 state density. As a result, the 1s5 density tends to be saturated at a higher value of PH.
The dependence of 1s5, 1s3, and electron densities on PH is also investigated in DF CCP, and the results under otherwise identical conditions as in Fig.
In Subsection
The dependence of the metastable density on pressure could be understood as follows. In the pure argon discharge operated at lower pressure, the groundstate atom density rising with pressure results in the enhancement of the production rate of the argon metastable state due to the increasing electronic excitation rate. Therefore, the metastable density increases rapidly at p < 16 Pa. However, at higher pressures, the electron-neutral collision is intensified, leading to the decrease of the electron temperature and, consequently, the decrease of the electron density. This is the reason why the 1s5 state density comes to a saturation value and even shows a slight decay at higher pressures.
At 5% oxygen content, the variation of 1s5 state density with pressure behaves similarly to that of the electron density. When argon plasma is diluted by 10% oxygen, it seems that argon 1s5 state density reaches a maximum value at p = 2 Pa or 4 Pa, and decreases linearly with pressure increasing, as shown in Fig
With the increase of pressure, it can be seen from Figs.
In this paper, we have measured the densities of two metastable states (1s5 and 1s3) in argon and argon/oxygen mixture DF-CCP by using the tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. Effects of HF power, LF power, and working pressure on the metastable state density are studied in discharges operated with different gas components (0%, 5%, and 10% oxygen mixed in argon). The dependence of the metastable state density on oxygen content is also investigated at different working pressures. It is found that the metastable state densities exhibit different dependence on HF power in discharges with different content of oxygen added in argon. As HF power increases, the metastable density in the pure argon discharge first increases rapidly and then tends to be saturated at higher HF powers. When the argon plasma is diluted with 5% or 10% oxygen, metastable state density would be saturated at a higher HF power than the case of pure argon plasma. In DF-CCP, LF power is found to weakly affect the metastable state density. With the increase of working pressure, the metastable state density first increases, and then decreases slowly after reaching its peak value. The pressure value at which the maximum metastable density occurs decreases with the increase of the oxygen content. A small fraction of oxygen will greatly deplete the metastable state atoms, and this becomes more significant at a higher pressure due to the enhanced quenching process by oxygen molecules.
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